
Soft skills

Presentation skills


Mistrem prezentace pod vedením anglického managera
Díky tomuto kurzu umíte vytvořit poutavou prezentaci, obratně používáte anglické prezentační fráze a dokážete zaujmout publikum.
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Customer service training


  • Telephone skills – answering phone/telephone
  • manner/ taking messages etc
  • Personal contact skills – face to face
  • (body language)
  • Dealing with difficult customers
  • Useful phrases and terminology
  • Role-plays of typical customer service enquiries/problems



Company communication


  • Skills for successful meetings – chairing a meeting, brainstorming, taking notes, discussing, agreeing, negotiating
  • Negotiating skills/ making deals
  • Making proposals
  • Bargaining
  • closing a deal
  • Writing e-mails
  • Writing notices to staff
  • Taking messages



Counselling skills – for employees who manage staff


  • Basic skills of counselling
  • Ethics in counselling
  • Identifying problems
  • Getting people to talk
  • Active listening
  • Empathy not sympathy
  • Helping the person make a plan of action
  • Practise using role plays
  • Company communication



Team building


  • Working together
  • Team building exercise
  • Team building games (general games, games for creating trust, communicating etc)
  • Discussion about importance of working as a team



Other company basic


  • Planning for visitors to your company
  • Showing customers around your company
  • Business dinner protocol and entertaining a client
  • Corporate hospitality
  • Cultural awareness
  • Skills for successful meetings – chairing a meeting, brainstorming, taking notes, discussing, agreeing, negotiating

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